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How To Tamp Coffee

how to tamp coffee

All the things you did were good. You paid for a perfect espresso machine, bought the high-quality beans, and found the best grinder to make the coffee be great. Your favorite show is about to start, and you decided to make an espresso with your new equipment. It’s quiet in your home. Your life seems to be quite lovely. You’re prepared to take the warm, creamy taste. You take the cup, try the first sip, and… You finally know. The taste… Bitter and sour… What’s going on?

It’s pretty simple; manual tamping requires some skills, and it’s not easy to do it.

It will be necessary to acquire these skills if you want to tamp espresso like a pro. It’s not the science, but it really needs to be done professionally if you want your espresso to be awesome. It would be best if you pressed down the grounds with the same power and equally, and that’s something that’s not easy for professional baristas. Still, here are a few tips that will help you do it and make your life easier.

what is tamping coffee

What tamping actually is?

Tamping is the process of compacting the coffee beans into some kind of “puck” of coffee throughout the filter holder before you extract it. You must know to tamp to achieve consistent results in a controlled manner. Because careful tamping is necessary for the production of exceptional coffee, we suggest that you follow the procedure we will provide below in order to get the best results.

The whole point of coffee tamping is creating resistance using a compact coffee and making the water go through. That’s how you get an equal taste in your espresso. The key is to learn how to tamp it properly, and, if you already decided to tamp it manually instead of buying automatic tamper, we’ll try to explain the best we can.

The water pressure will pull the oil from the coffee beans, and you’ll get a bold test and the right texture, the one you hoped for. Now, the water issue is that it will always look to go through the spot with less resistance. This may cause the issue because the flavor will not be fully extracted from the coffee grounds. It’s because the water can find the gaps and go there, but it will only happen if the coffee grounds are uneven and loose.

In order to stop this from happening, you’ll need to push the grounds down in the portafilter, which will compress the puck. Once you do that, it will resist the water equally, and this friction produces the flavor and quality of the espresso. It might take some practice to get it right, but once you do, it shouldn’t trouble you anymore. Never let it scare you just because it seems to be difficult. It’s going to be much easier once you read the instructions.

What’s needed for tamping

In order to do a proper tamping, you will need more than a few things. We listed them below, so make sure to get it all before starting:

●An adequate espresso/coffee machine is required
●Coffee/espresso beans
●You’ll need to get a good grinder; The one that grinds the beans for espresso
●It would be best if you had a scale. It will help you maintaining accuracy, and that’s a crucial part of making a fantastic espresso. For one shot of the espresso, you’ll need around 8 grams if you’re making single espresso, and approximately 16 grams if you’re making double.
●It would help if you had a portafilter.
●Finally, you will need a good espresso tamper.

Is tamping possible if you don’t have a tamper? Yeah, but you’re going to get far less than perfect coffee. You could have an element that suits the portafilter and put the pressure on it. (some small bottle, for example). It’s not impossible, but it’s just for emergencies. It’s like you’re trying to make an espresso, and you don’t have the machine. Yeah, it’s going to work, but it’s going to be hard to get the ideal coffee cup.

How To Manually Tamp Espresso (Step-By-Step instructions)

Step 1: You must even the grounds

Place the estimated dose of espresso in the portafilter. Now run the finger across the portafilter and try to even it, pushing out all of the extra grounds. You want to make it consistent and leveled. Make sure not to put any pressure on the beans until it’s finished, or you’ll get an inconsistent extraction – which will further lead to a bad flavor.

Step 2: Put the tamper on the surface that’s leveled

You’ll need to put the portafilter on a flat surface. That’s because we need the coffee to level at the top of the tamper. You must keep your wrist straight, holding the elbow at approximately 90 degrees bend. This will prevent all the possible wrist injuries because all the tamping power that’s needed will be coming from your whole body. It’s not a rare thing for baristas to injure themselves in the process of making the espresso, so you should try to learn the technique as well as you can in order to avoid that.

Step 3: Don’t use all your pressure power right at the start

Put a small amount of force at the start. This will outline the shape, and you will be able to see if you’re going in the right direction. The goal is to make a flat surface on the top. Unrivaled surfing should encourage pooling and improperly produced coffee. The pressure you start with should be about 10 to 20 lbs, not more than that. Consider it as a testing phase, to get the thing started and ensure that it’s how it suppose to be.

Step 4: Start adding more and more pressure

Once you have a level bed of espresso grounds, you can start adding some power to the tamping. It’s time to increase the pressure.

When you’ve shaped a puck, start putting more energy in that and increase the pressure in order to lose any gaps among the grinds, if any. You want to press down hard enough to make your coffee compact and strong. Use a downward turning motion as you get out of pressing down. It helps to compress the espresso, even as you take the tamper off the machine.

How hard is tampering?

How much pressure is required to tamp espresso? There seems to be some (well, a lot of) debate on how much force is needed to tamp the espresso. Since I didn’t want just to guess myself, I visited several coffee shops, and I asked baristas. There were some minor differences in what they were doing, but they all accepted that strong and constant force was key.

The pressure the baristas use varies from 20 up to 30 lbs, so the approximate tamping pressure is around 25 lbs.

Step 5: The next thing you should do is to check for a flat, and to level the surface

Please make sure that there are is no space and gaps between the coffee grounds and to know they are compact. This is one of the most important steps because that’s crucial for the sweet flavor and taste.

Step 6: Rotate it as you give the final pressure

When you add the last pressure, you should twist the tamper to provide a nice texture to the compressed coffee cup. It’s called polishing. It’s not the important part at all, but if you want your espresso to look nice, you can try to learn this as well. Your espresso will look much better.

Step 7: The last step is to clean the coffee grounds

You’ll centrally have some grounds that spilled during the process. Make sure to clean the edge of the portafilter, because that shouldn’t go into the espresso machine; technically, it can ruin the taste, and it will be hard to clean it afterward.

Manual Espresso Tamping VS Automatic Espresso Tamping

As you can see, all you should do is following a few simple steps, and you’ll learn how to tamp espresso manually. Still, there are many situations when even professional baristas get injured. Although the manual tamping isn’t too complicated, the best way is to buy an automatic espresso tamper. It will tamp the coffee equally every time; there’s no danger of getting injured, and it’s even faster. Keep reading and learn what the automatic tamping machine is.

Automatic Espresso Tamping

This procedure will save you of all the issues you ever had with tamping. The automatic tamper is the solution to the pain in the elbow and wrists. Your espresso will taste the same every single time and the coffee grounds are going to be flat every time!

It’s a perfect solution not just for your home; It’s something that you can use if you own a coffee shop because this product will benefit you more than you can imagine. You won’t even need a professional barista to operate with it. Even the kid can use it without putting any effort except reading the instructions!

The Main Features And Benefits Of Automatic Tamper

There are a dozen of advantages this item will provide. It would be shocking news if you somehow don’t find it’s worth the money and decide not to buy the auto tamper after discovering its features and benefits. We are mentioning the most important among them.

Getting the same result every single time

Every moment the force of tamping is around 40 lbs. You can manually adjust it by will, tho. Bartenders could never ensure the same results as the machines. Why is this important? With different amounts of pressure, the water will flow unequally through it, and that can really change the flavor of the espresso shot. If you want to get the exact same taste all day long, it can only be done using the automatic espresso tamper. It has consistent tamping strength and pace, which is crucial for it.

After acknowledging all of these facts, you must be aware that it’s practically impossible for 2 baristas to tamp the coffee with the same pressure manually. But with the auto tamper, you won’t have that issue. Ever! In case you own a coffee bar, you are aware that it’s all about the consistency. If you can make the perfect coffee every day, you’ll have regular customers that will always know where the best espresso is served.

It’s easy to adjust the grinder

It’s not easy dialing in the espresso grinders the whole day. Since the baristas are using the coffee machines, it may be even harder. Manual tamping is challenging because of the many things we already mentioned. It’s hard always to adjust the angle of the tamper, and it’s even harder to tamp with using the same pressure every time.

When baristas tamp, it’s hard seeing the coffee mill, which is a significant downside of a manual tamping. However, when using the auto tamper, they can weight the coffee dose with it, and the only thing they will need to pay attention to is the grinder. All the issues of manual tamp will be gone, and you’ll get the best coffee possible, all thanks to the automatic espresso tamper.

Using the auto tamper will save you both time and money

There are many different coffee bars in the world. Some are different in style; Some are small, while the others are big, and they all praise their coffee as a great one. The coffee will taste differently, of course, but they all have something in common, and that’s the method they use to make it. The approximate time that baristas spend to tamp the coffee is between 15 and 20 seconds. He makes sure that the tamp is even, and proceeds.

The next step takes around half a minute, and that’s when he waits for the coffee’s extracted beans to come out. After they do, he needs to throw them away and repeat the process all over again for every shot of espresso. It doesn’t seem to be too long, but it is. And if there is a way to speed things up, it deserves to be considered.

The auto tamper for espresso has the features that will solve this issue quickly. Automatic Espresso Tamper needs less than two seconds to tamp the coffee, and it will undoubtedly be even and consistent. Bad baristas, hard injuries, slow service; those are the things you won’t need to worry about ever again.

Final thoughts

Now you know how to tamp the coffee. As you could see in the text, it’s possible to do it manually, but the results are not good enough. The Automatic Coffee Tamper is a solution and the future of the coffee shops. It prevents the injuries that are common among baristas; it will significantly speed up the process.

And not just that; Auto tamper will save and earn more money for you because baristas will be able to make a quality espresso that will be the same every single time. Simultaneously, this will attract more customers, and since the process is much faster, they will get the fastest service, which is a big plus.

Using the auto tamper will save you both time and money

There are many different coffee bars in the world. Some are different in style; Some are small, while the others are big, and they all praise their coffee as a great one. The coffee will taste differently, of course, but they all have something in common, and that’s the method they use to make it. The approximate time that baristas spend to tamp the coffee is between 15 and 20 seconds. He makes sure that the tamp is even, and proceeds.

The next step takes around half a minute, and that’s when he waits for the coffee’s extracted beans to come out. After they do, he needs to throw them away and repeat the process all over again for every shot of espresso. It doesn’t seem to be too long, but it is. And if there is a way to speed things up, it deserves to be considered.

The auto tamper for espresso has the features that will solve this issue quickly. Automatic Espresso Tamper needs less than two seconds to tamp the coffee, and it will undoubtedly be even and consistent. Bad baristas, hard injuries, slow service; those are the things you won’t need to worry about ever again.

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